The polite way to share and enjoy the dance floor 

for your comfort, safety and enjoyment

  • Never step onto the dance floor carrying drinks, glasses or cans

  • Always walk around the edge of the dance floor

  • Never walk through lines of moving dancers

  • Never stay on the floor to talk – if music is playing, go off the dance floor to chat

  • No talking whilst instructors are teaching – its hard for people to concentrate who want to learn

  • Try to be helpful and welcoming to newcomers, visitors and guests

  • When dancing near beginners – be mindful and courteous and don't show off

  • Only start a different dance if there is room and you sense it is acceptable to do so

  • If the floor is crowded, take small steps, enjoy the company, but watch for collisions

  • If you should bump into someone, it is nice to apologies whether it is your fault or not

  • Be polite and respectful to DJ's especially when making requests

  • Don't get grumpy and moan if your request is not played – it spoils if for others – Please and thank you goes a long way

  • Remember to give applause when dancing to live acts - don't just walk off the floor.

  • Should you accidentally knock over someone's drink, replace it immediately

  • If possible start another line rather than join one that will block the outside lanes

  • It is appropriate to leave the outside edge clear for couples dancers. Those dancing around the outside have the right of way

  • when dancing around the floor, the line of dance LOD is always anti-clockwise

  • Say thank you at the end of an enjoyable evening

  • And finally, most importantly, keep smiling and enjoy yourselves.